about us

Professional Comments

"I know Ms. Hamilton to be a person of integrity with high standards. For these reasons, I don't hesitate to recommend her as an art consultant." Art Source

"Jacqueline Hamilton helped bring our offices together in a time of turmoil when the two owners of a former company were dissolving their partnership.... The professionalism that she and her staff portrayed during a difficult time of transition made it that much easier for us to focus on the business at hand.... for that we will always be grateful." Tyler D. Todd, President, Todd Land Company

"Ms. Hamilton is an honest, hard-working, diligent art consultant .... she is one of the best to be found." Art Source

"When you recommended a new frame, I was hesitant to change the appearance of the painting, but your choice was perfect and visually created an entirely new appeal for this fine art work." Fred K. Whitty, Senior Property Manager, Four Oaks Place


Client List

Acacia Financial Center

American Bank

American General Investment Corporation

Arthur Andersen & Co., CPA

Atlantic Richfield Company, Dallas

AT&T Wireless Services

Balanow & Associates, Inc., CPA

BDO Seidman, CPA, Austin, Houston

Bluebonnet Federal Credit Union

Buffalo Reinsurance Company

Cafe Bianco Restaurant

Cattle Kings Grill, ASID Interior Design Award

Chase & Texas Commerce Bank

Chelsea Architects

Chevron Real Estate Management Company

Circumjacencies Interior Design

Cities Services Oil & Gas Corporation

CMH Properties, Inc.

Compass Bank

Comp-Link, Inc.

CRSS Architects

Cushman Realty Corporation


Davy McKee Corporation

Deloitte & Touche, CPA, Oklahoma City

Energy Development Corporation

Ethyl Corporation

Family Service Life Insurance Company

Fidelity Investments

First City National Bank

First South Savings Association

Fox & Kilbride, Attorneys at Law

Gas Mark, Ltd.

General Electric Medical Systems Operations

Hines Interests Limited Partnership

House Reh Architects

Institutional Property Managers, Inc.

Insurance Corporation of America

Interfin Corporation


JP Morgan Chase

Kennedy & Young, Attorneys at Law

Kenneth Leventhal & Co., CPA


Laurelwood Hospital

Liddell, Sapp & Zivley, Attorneys at Law, Austin

Madison Benefits

Ma Maison Restaurant

Sarah Ann Margulies , Attorney at Law

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co.

MCI Telecommunications

MetLife Capital Corporation

Milam House

Moorco International Inc.

Morris Architects

Museum of Fine Arts, Houston

Occidental Petroleum

O'Dell/Hamilton & Associates, Inc.

Paragon Group

Perry & Girard Architects

Peterson & CO. Consulting

PM Realty Group

Prudential Securities

Puffer-Sweiven, Inc.

Remington Bar and Grill

Ronald McDonald House

Ruggles Restaurant

The Russo Companies

Sandberg Financial Services, Inc.

Sanders Morris Mundy Inc., Investment Firm


Shell Oil Company

Source Architects

Source Tech, Inc.

Southwestern Bell Telephone Co.

Spring Branch Medical Center

Chris A. Stacy & Associates, Attorneys at Law

The Staubach Company

TIAA-CREF/Four Oaks Place

Stinson Perry & Berg Architects

Stoller Chemical

Storm Wilson, Inc., Advertising

The Sumitomo Bank


Tenneco Gas

Total Minatome Corporation

Transco Companies, Inc.

Triant Management Corporation

Wells and Bedard, CPA

Wingfield/Sears Group, Inc.

Ziegler-Cooper Architects

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